Bangladesh Ceramic Manufacturers
& Exporters Association (BCMEA)

Research & Article

Research & Article


Dr. Arifur Rahman

PhD (La Trobe), MBA (AJOU), MBA (DU)

Associate Professor Department of Marketing Faculty of Business Studies Dhaka University

Challenges of Ceramic Branding & Export: Role of Government

Muhammad Ismail Hossain

PhD (Monash), MIB (Melbourne), MBA(DU)

Professor Department of Marketing Faculty of Business Studies Dhaka University

Challenges of Ceramic Branding & Export: Role of Entrepreneurs & Government

Dr. Muhammad Hasanuzzaman

Assistant Professor

Department of Glass and Ceramic Engineering(BUET)

Porous SiO2 and Its Advanced Applications: Li-ion Battery, Chromatographic Media, and Water Filter

Dr. AKM Abdul Hakim

Individual Consultant

Department of Glass & Ceramic Engineering(BUET)

Sustainable Ceramic Industry in the 21st Century: Bangladesh Perspective

Mamunur Rashid, FCMA

Councilor Member, ICMAB

Vice President, Bangladesh Ceramic Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BCMEA)

Clothing Dependence on Exports And Complimentary Ceramic Industry

Jahir Ahmed

Senior Markets Editor & Southeast Asia Editor of Asian Ceramics

Bangladesh Ceramics Rising Faster