Bangladesh Ceramic Manufacturers
& Exporters Association (BCMEA)

Country Profile

Country Profile

Country Name People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Type of Government Parliamentary Republic
Area 148,460 sq km (land: 130,170 sq km, water: 18,290 sq km)
Population (2016-17 est) 167,184,465 (2023 est.)
Capital City Dhaka
Standard Time GMT + 6 hours
Mineral Resources Natural gas, Limestone, Hard rock, Coal, Peat, Lignite, Silica sand, White clay, Radioactive sand, etc.
Principal Industries Jute, Cotton, Garments, Paper, Leather, Fertilizer, Iron and Steel, Cement, Petroleum Products, Tobacco, Pharmaceuticals, Ceramics, Tea, Salt, Sugar, Edible oils, Soap and Detergent, Fabricated Metal Products, Electricity, Natural Gas etc.
Labour Force 70.961 million (2021 est.)
Mineral Resources Natural gas, Limestone, hard rock, coal, Peat, lignite, silica sand, white clay, radioactive sand, etc.
Principal Industries Jute, Tea, Textiles, Ceramic, Garments, Knitwear, Paper, Newsprint, Fertilizer, Shipbuilding, Agro-processing, Leather and Leather Goods, Sugar, Cement, Fish Processing, Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Light Engineering, Plastic and Rubber, Furniture & Ceramic, etc.
Labour Force 70.961 million (2021 est.)
Total GDP 5.3% (2023 est.)
GDP Growth Rate 5.3% (2023 est.)
Foreign Exchange Reserve $27.4 billion (March, 2023)
National Budget Revenues: $47 billion (FY 2023-24) Expenditures: $71 billion (FY 2023-24)
Export $52.08 billion (FY 2021-22)
Import $71.02 billion (FY 2021-22)

Economic Indicators of Bangladesh

Principal Exports Readymade garments, knitwear, Pharmaceuticals, Plastic and Plastic goods, Agro Processing, frozen food and shrimp, tea, raw jute, jute products, leather and leather products, chemical fertilizer, ceramic tableware, naphtha, furniture, fruits and vegetables ,handicraft, light engineering products including bicycle, etc.
Principal Imports Wheat, oil seeds, crude petroleum, raw cotton, edible oil, petroleum products, fertilizer, cement, staple fibers, yarn, iron and steel, capital goods and machinery, automobiles, food grains, milk powder & baby food, etc.
GDP at current market price (2021- 22) $ 416.26 billion US dollars
GDP Growth Rate (2021-22) 6.40%
Total Export (2021-22) US$ 52.08 billion
Total Import (2021-22) US$ 82.49 billion
GNI per capita (2019 est.) (at current price) US $4,754
Inflation (2022) 7.56
Foreign Exchange Reserve 44.08 billion (as on April, 2022)
Remittance (May, 2022) US $1.94 billion
National Budget (2021-22) 603,681 crore Tk